Harrison Design

Mark D. Hughes, AIA | Bulent Baydar, AIA

Harrison Design was founded in Atlanta more than 30 years ago, and in 2010, architects Mark Hughes and Bulent Baydar established a Washington office for the firm. The local practice designs gracious residences and estates that embody classical architectural principles; Hughes and Baydar bring a total of 70 years’ experience to their work.

“Our deep experience means we’re able to lead the process smoothly, anticipating challenges and carefully controlling costs,” observes Hughes. “We study and appreciate classical and modern architecture, which we’ve experienced throughout the world.”

The goal of Harrison Design is to create places that enrich and endure, improve lives and strengthen communities. The architects approach every project as artisans and craftsmen, ensuring that the quality of the design is matched by the caliber of materials and workmanship. “We incorporate classical ideals of form and human scale in all our work,” Baydar notes.

Hughes and Baydar are the sons of immigrants—British and Turkish, respectively. Hughes grew up in DC, where as a boy he was inspired first by the architecture of the British Embassy and then, in a high school drafting class, by Frank Lloyd Wright’s work. Always captivated by buildings and drawing, Baydar fell in love with architecture on an early visit to Barcelona, where he discovered the imaginative designs of Antoni Gaudí.

In 2022, Baydar earned two Honor awards from the Atlanta chapter of the AIA. In 2023, the firm received a Home & Design Excellence Award and a John Russell Pope Award.
