Lynbrook of Annapolis built this LEED Gold home overlooking Annapolis’s Weems Creek.
With an eye on sustainability, what do you look for when selecting windows, siding and roof materials?
Building sustainably is made up of many small steps. Windows and doors should keep the conditioned air indoors and the weather outside. We look for U-factor and fenestration ratings to be close to best in class, and then we assess the sustainable materials from which they are built. All of these then need to be weighed against the actual performance of the product over the expected life of the home. Of course, the siding and roofing have the same priority factors.
With all the new products showing up on the market, it is important to be able to understand a product’s claims and, more importantly, its durability. We often end up passing over the newest products for truly environmentally responsible ones. Building sustainably results in a legacy home that will last for generations. —Raymond J. Gauthier, Lynbrook of Annapolis, Inc., Annapolis, Maryland
Architect: Steven Kahle Architects, Annapolis, Maryland.